NGC 7385 galaxy cluster

Type Location r.a. dec. Size Magnitude Distance
Galaxy cluster Pegasus 22h49.9 +11°36' 2' 13 358 Mly

NGC 7385 is a very distant elliptical galaxy in constellation Pegasus, at an estimated distance of 358 million light years. NGC 7385 is the largest member of a galaxy cluster comprising NGC 7383, 7384, 7386, 7387, 7389, 7390.

NGC 7385 galaxy cluster
NGC 7385 galaxy cluster finder map

Date Telescope Binning Exp Time (s) Special processing Notes
Sep 19, 2019 Centurion
L 1:1
RGB 3:1
L 3x300
RGB 300
LRGB, Max Entropy, DDP