M94 (NGC 4736)

Type Location r.a. dec. Size Magnitude Distance
Galaxy CVn 12h50.9 +41°07' 11' x 9.1' 8 16 Mly

Messier 94 (also known as NGC 4736) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici at a distance of about 16 million light-years. M94 contains both an inner ring and an outer ring.

M94, NGC 4736

Galaxy detail:

M94 detail

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This is a redo from a 2002 image which was over exposed in the core area. Exposure time has been reduced from 300s to 120s. But the middle of the core is so bright that it is still over exposed.

Date Telescope Binning Exp Time (s) Special processing Notes
Apr 22, 2004 Centurion
L 1:1
RGB 3:1
L 8x120
RGB 300
LRGB, Max Entropy, DDP Very bright core, very dim halo
Sampling: .7" / pixel