M51(NGC 5194) Whirlpool galaxy

NGC 5194 + NGC 5195

Type Location r.a. dec. Size Magnitude Distance
Galaxy Canes Venatici 13h29.9 47°12' 11' x 8' 8.4 23 Mly

The Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as Messier 51, M51, or NGC 5194) is a grand-design spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici in interaction with NGC 5195. Recently it was estimated to be 23 ± 4 million light-years away, but different methods yield distances between 15 and 35 million light years. Messier 51 is one of the best known galaxies in the sky.


M51, NGC 5194 + NGC 5195

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Date Telescope Binning Exp Time (s) Special processing Notes
Jul 13, 2002 Centurion
L 1:1
RGB 2:1
L 8x300
R,G,B 600
Virtual pixel, LRGB, Max Entropy, DDP