M48 (NGC 2548)

Type Location r.a. dec. Size Magnitude Distance
Open Cluster Hydra 8h13.8 -5°48' 54' 5.8 2.5 Kly

Messier 48 (also known as M 48 or NGC 2548) is an open cluster in the Hydra constellation with more than 400 "young" stars (age estimate 400 Million years).
Following image is shot with Canon 200mm, field of view is approx. 3° x 2° (open in new tab for full scale):

Cluster center (fov = 37' x 25'):

M 48, NGC 2548 open cluster


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Date Telescope Binning Exp Time (s) Special processing Notes
March 26, 2020 Canon 200mm F2.8 n.a. 10x30 LRGB sampling 4"/pixel
March 23, 2020 Centurion
L 1:1
RGB 3:1
L 3x300
R,G,B 300
LRGB sampling 1.4"/pixel